Столбы из древесно-стружечных плит

Мы являемся производителем фанеры, наша продукция включает в себя эвкалиптовую многослойную доску, партикулярную доску, каучуковое дерево, бразильский розовый эвкалипт, новозеландскую сосну, малакку, кедровое дерево, заднюю доску, кромочную ленту и т.д. Класс продукции: ENF/E0.

Particle board joists are widely used in construction projects due to their affordability, availability, and ease of installation. These boards are made from wood particles that have been compressed and bonded together using adhesives. They are available in different thicknesses and sizes for various applications. The most common types of particle board joists are 1/2 inch, 7/16 inch, 7/8 inch, and 7mm.

The 1/2-inch particle board is the thinnest option and is suitable for use as sub-flooring or underlayment. It provides adequate support and can withstand moderate loads. On the other hand, the 7/16-inch particle board is thicker and stronger than the 1/2-inch option. It is perfect for use as floor decking or as a base for finished flooring materials such as tile or carpet. The 7/16-inch particle board offers excellent stability and load-bearing capacity.

The 7/8-inch particle board is even thicker and more robust than the 7/16-inch board. It is ideal for use as joist material, especially in areas that require higher load-bearing capacity such as garages or workshops. Additionally, it can also be used as roof sheathing or wall sheathing. This type of board has superior strength and durability compared to other particle board options.

Finally, the 7mm particle board is another popular choice for various construction applications. It is thinner than the 1/2-inch board but still provides adequate support for light loads. This type of board is often used as underlayment for finished flooring materials such as vinyl or hardwood.

In conclusion, particle board joists come in various thicknesses and sizes, each with its unique properties and applications. When selecting a particle board, it is crucial to choose one that meets your specific needs and requirements. Whether you need a lightweight option for sub-flooring or a robust solution for joists and sheathing, there is always an appropriate particle board joist for your project.

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