Процесс производства опалубки из фанеры.

Мы являемся производителем фанеры, наша продукция включает в себя эвкалиптовую многослойную доску, партикулярную доску, каучуковое дерево, бразильский розовый эвкалипт, новозеландскую сосну, малакку, кедровое дерево, заднюю доску, кромочную ленту и т.д. Класс продукции: ENF/E0.

The production process of Plywood formwork is described in detail as follows:

  1. Select raw materials: Select suitable wood, usually birch, poplar, spruce, pine, etc., and cut it to the appropriate size.
  2. Process the wood: Process the wood into thin slices, usually by sawing or planing.
  3. Glue the wood: Glue the thin slices together to form multi-layer plywood. Usually, hot pressing or cold pressing is used to ensure the quality and stability of the plywood.
  4. Surface treatment: Perform surface treatment on the plywood to increase its durability and moisture resistance. Common surface treatment methods include painting, film coating, impregnation, etc.
  5. Cutting and assembly: Cut the plywood into the appropriate shape and size according to needs, and assemble it into a formwork system. Connecting pieces such as nails, screws, and clamps can be used for assembly.
  6. Use and maintenance: When using the formwork system, make sure it is properly installed and supported to avoid formwork deformation or damage. After use, the formwork should be cleaned and maintained in a timely manner to extend its service life.

In general, the production process of Plywood formwork requires strict quality control and fine craftsmanship to ensure that it can provide a high-quality concrete casting surface.

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