Фанера 3/4 для бетонных форм, китайский поставщик фанеры

Мы являемся производителем фанеры, наша продукция включает в себя эвкалиптовую многослойную доску, партикулярную доску, каучуковое дерево, бразильский розовый эвкалипт, новозеландскую сосну, малакку, кедровое дерево, заднюю доску, кромочную ленту и т.д. Класс продукции: ENF/E0.

Related:Concrete form panel,3/4 plywood for concrete forms,China plywood supplier

The plywood industry in Linyi is relatively developed. Here are some specific information about the plywood industry in Linyi:
-Scale: According to a report by Dazhong Net, on September 1, 2023, the Information Office of the People’s Government of Linyi City held a media briefing to introduce the operation of the city’s timber industry. At present, there are over 4000 plywood enterprises in Linyi City, with a production capacity of 41.3 million cubic meters per year, accounting for about 74% of Shandong Province and 20% of the national total. It has maintained its position as the largest plywood product production base in Shandong Province and even in the country for consecutive years.film faced plywood concrete formwork,concrete form panel



-Products: The products of Linyi plywood industry include plywood, particleboard, fiberboard, and other varieties.
-Wood: Linyi plywood manufacturers use a variety of wood types, including poplar, fir, eucalyptus, birch, camphor tree, willow root, peach blossom core, August, etc.
-Industrial Park: Linyi City plans to build a 2000 acre home furnishing industrial park, connecting and attracting 9 leading enterprises such as Sofia full house customization and Chongqing livable wooden doors. Taking full house customization, high-end home furnishings, and high-quality wooden doors as the driving force, we will promote the high-end development of wooden products.

3/4 plywood for concrete forms 4×8 is commonly used in construction. It is often used for making concrete forms and other construction applications.

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