What is size of plywood over concrete?

Kami adalah produsen kayu lapis sumber, produk kami meliputi papan multi-layer kayu putih utuh, papan partikal, kayu karet, kayu putih mawar Brasil, pinus Selandia Baru, Malaka, kayu cedar, papan tulis, strip tepi, dll. Kelas produk: ENF / E0.

What are the commonly used dimensions of plywood for construction, and what is the approximate density per cubic meter?plywood over concrete

verticle board formed concrete veneer.

China dining table board

Plywood for construction is a practical and widely used large-sized board, usually made by rotary cutting wood segments into single boards or planing wood into thin pieces, and then glued together with adhesive. The common dimensions are 2440mm × 1220mm, 2800mm × 2070mm, 3050mm × 1525mm, thickness divided into 2.7mm, 3.6mm, 5.5mm, 9mm, 12mm, 18mm, and 21mm.
The density of plywood is generally between 0.5-0.8g/cm ³ The higher the density, the better the quality. Generally larger than the same type of wood, and the higher the unit pressure during bonding, the higher the density of the plywood.plywood over concrete

Internationally, there are many specifications of plywood, and the common length and width specifications are 1220 × 2440mm, and the thickness specifications generally include 3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 18mm, etc. There may be some differences in different countries and regions.

In practical applications, the most commonly used plywood specifications may vary depending on specific needs and application scenarios. For example, in the fields of construction and furniture manufacturing, larger-sized plywood may be used, while some specific decoration or packaging applications may require smaller-sized plywood.kayu lapis bekisting beton untuk dijual

In addition, the specifications of plywood may also be affected by factors such as the manufacturer and product quality. When choosing plywood, in addition to considering the specifications, it is also necessary to pay attention to indicators such as its quality, material, and environmental protection performance to ensure that it meets the requirements of use. At the same time, rationally choosing the specifications according to actual needs can also avoid unnecessary waste.plywood over concrete

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