Vineerist vormide tootmisprotsess.

Oleme vineeri tootja, meie toodete hulka kuuluvad terve eukalüptuse mitmekihiline laud, partikaline laud, kummipuit, Brasiilia roosiline eukalüpt, Uus-Meremaa mänd, Malacca, seeder, backboard, servariba jne.Tooted klass: ENF/E0.

The production process of Plywood formwork is described in detail as follows:

  1. Select raw materials: Select suitable wood, usually birch, poplar, spruce, pine, etc., and cut it to the appropriate size.
  2. Process the wood: Process the wood into thin slices, usually by sawing or planing.
  3. Glue the wood: Glue the thin slices together to form multi-layer plywood. Usually, hot pressing or cold pressing is used to ensure the quality and stability of the plywood.
  4. Surface treatment: Perform surface treatment on the plywood to increase its durability and moisture resistance. Common surface treatment methods include painting, film coating, impregnation, etc.
  5. Cutting and assembly: Cut the plywood into the appropriate shape and size according to needs, and assemble it into a formwork system. Connecting pieces such as nails, screws, and clamps can be used for assembly.
  6. Use and maintenance: When using the formwork system, make sure it is properly installed and supported to avoid formwork deformation or damage. After use, the formwork should be cleaned and maintained in a timely manner to extend its service life.

In general, the production process of Plywood formwork requires strict quality control and fine craftsmanship to ensure that it can provide a high-quality concrete casting surface.

Seotud tooted

Klientide hinnangud


Armas toode ja suurepärane teenindus Sunny'lt. Ma ei jõua ära oodata, et see minu majas paigaldatakse. Herryga oli meeldiv koostööd teha ja ta andis kohe näidised kvaliteedi kontrollimiseks ja värvide sobitamiseks.


Kaunis tera ja viimistlus, see näeb minu laes uimastavalt välja. Saabus hästi pakitud. Ma tõesti hindasin kogu abi ja toetust Sunny'lt.Pole probleemi.

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