Plywood panel sizes,Plywood panels Inc

Ние сме производител на шперплат, нашите продукти включват цял евкалиптов многослоен борд, частичен борд, каучуково дърво, бразилски розов евкалипт, новозеландски бор, Малака, кедрово дърво, табла, ръбна лента и др.Клас на продуктите: ENF/E0.

European standard size of plywood

Plywood panels Inc

plywood panel sizes

1. Introduction to plywood
Plywood is made of multiple layers of wood glued together and is commonly used in construction, furniture, vehicles and other fields. Due to its advantages such as water resistance, strength, wear resistance and manufacturing flexibility, it has good market prospects in both the international and domestic markets. Europe is one of the main regions for plywood production and has also introduced standard specifications and sizes related to it.
2. Table display
The following table lists the European standard sizes of plywood.
Specification size thickness Coating
B/BB Appearance

The above data about Plywood panel sizes is for reference only. The actual situation may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. The specific specifications shall be subject to the actual situation of the manufacturer.
European standard plywood sizes are mainly 2500mm x 1250mm, with thickness ranging from 4mm to 25mm, and two options for coating: uncoated and colored. These standard plywoods are widely used in construction, furniture, vehicles and other fields, meeting market demand.

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